I need to
We own and operate the electricity network that serves Hawke’s Bay, Taupo and Rotorua.

Connect to Electricity
Want to join our network in Hawke's Bay, Rotorua or Taupo? Need to make a change to your existing connection?
Network coverage area map
Unison Networks Limited owns, manages and operates the electricity network that serves Hawke’s Bay, Taupo and Rotorua. The network spans over 9,000km and supplies over 110,000 connected customers with approximately 1,590 GWh of electricity, making Unison one of the larger electricity distribution businesses in New Zealand. Unison has been serving the community and providing a service in this industry sector for over 90 years.
Find an electricity retailer
To connect to our electricity network in Hawke's, Taupo or Rotorua, you'll need an electricity retailer.
Are you getting the best deal?
Take a few moments to compare electricity prices, and ensure you are getting the best deal for your use. These independent websites take you through a simple process to check and estimate how much you could save if you switched providers.