I need to get an
Estimate to Connect
Get an Estimate to Connect
Thinking about building? Planning to increase or decrease your electricity demand? Looking at subdividing? Need Unison to underground or relocate network infrastructure. We can help you get an idea of the costs involved.
We can provide an initial indication of cost, and if you decide to proceed, we can progress your enquiry to an official quote*, which can take up to eight weeks to prepare due to the technical aspects of this process.
To give you an indication of cost, here’s what we’ll need to know.
- The address of the property you would like us to prepare an estimate for electrical connection/alteration/relocation. As the distance of the property from the nearest electrical asset impacts on the cost, if the property is rural and title is not yet issued, if you can give us an indication of the exact location using a lot number, DP number or Google Maps screen shot, this can help us refine our estimate.
- An indication of the property use – for example, will your connection be powering a family home, or an industrial operation like a pack house or processing plant?
- Any specific details, plans or other information regarding your project such as operations/activities that your connection will need to power, or details of network undergrounding/relocation requirements. This ensures we base our estimate to meet your electricity needs.

If you experience a problem with Unison’s service and we are unable to resolve your complaint, you can call the free independent dispute resolution service provided by Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 or visit utilitiesdisputes.co.nz