Distributed generation

Connecting Distributed Generation Equipment of 10kW or Less

Most residential installations will fall into this category.

The first step is to ensure your equipment and its installation complies with our Network Connection Standard Network Connection Standard Network Connection Standard and policy for Connection of Distributed Generation. Generally, the company providing the equipment will oversee this process.

To connect Distributed Generation equipment of 10 Kilowatts or less, you’ll need to check whether congestion in the area of the Network exists, and if so contact Unison to discuss your plans prior to installing your distributed generation.

Export Congestion Information
Unison regularly updates information regarding areas of the Network affected by congestion. There are no specific locations or parts of Unison's low voltage network currently known to be or reasonably expected to become subject to export congestion within the next 12 months. For Unison's Congestion Management approach click here.

Distributed Generation Inverter Compliance With Standard – AS4777
Next you will need to check with your installer that the proposed inverter is designed and type tested in accordance with AS4777 and has been approved by Unison as complying with connection and operating standards and protection settings.

List of Previously Approved Invertors
Click here for a list of invertors previously approved for connection to Unison's network. If your proposed system’s inverter is not already approved by Unison you will need to apply to Unison to connect prior to installing your system. If your inverter is already approved, you can go ahead with your installation and apply to Unison when you are ready to connect

Application for Connection of Distributed Generation 10 kW or less
To apply to connect your Small Scale Distributed Generation less than 10 kW, download and complete our DG1 Form, which you can return to us via email, post or fax. It is your responsibility as the owner to authorise the application.

The Application process requires input from a number of different parties, including:

  • You, as the customer.
  • Your chosen electricity retailer, who you will hold the electricity purchase/sale agreement with, and will provide a two-way meter to enable this process.
  • Your chosen electrician, who will help you complete the application form. It pays to obtain a quote and check the cost includes the Livening Agent and Electrical Inspector.
  • The provider of your DG equipment, who will supply technical information and support.
  • An Electrical Inspector (arranged by your electricity retailer).
  • Unison, as the network owner.

Once your have completed this form and returned it to us with payment of the Application fee listed below, our Customer Care Team will within two business days send an acknowledgment of receipt of your application.

We will then review and approve the application. If for some reason we are unable to approve your application, we’ll get in touch to discuss this with you.

Once your application has been approved it will be passed along to your electrician and electricity retailer, who will work with you to progress your connection.

Connection Terms for Distributed Generation of 10 kW or Less
For Small Scale Distributed Generation of 10 kW or Less the regulated terms contained in schedule 6.2 of Part 6 of the Code apply subject to the Generator satisfying the requirements of Unison’s Network Connection Standard and policy for Connection of Distributed Generation.

Unison does not charge customers for any exported energy from your distributed generation system.

The seperate line charges you pay for using energy from the distribution network are included in your electricity costs invoiced by your electricity retailer. Your electricity retailer may transfer you from your existing price category to a category for customers with Distributed Generation (G11 DGEN or G12 DGEN, depending on household consumption).

What will it Cost?

Unison will charge you an application and administration fee to process your application. We may also charge you if we need to inspect your proposed installation as part of the application process.

The following fees for distributed generation of 10 kW or less under Part 1A apply from 1 November 2024:

Application for administration and connection (GST exclusive) $140
Processing information related to the remedy of a deficiency with the application document (GST exclusive) $110
For an inspection of SSDG, if Unison requires an inspection (GST exclusive) $90

Information for Electricians

Further information about distributed generation connection and the Electricity Participation Code Part 6 are on Electricity Authority’s website www.ea.govt.nz.