Unison's Greatest Supporter Programme

Greatest Supporter's Ask Magpies Players the Tough Questions!

Want to know what the Hawke's Bay Magpies eat for breakfast? Who their favourite All Blacks players are or what music they listen too?  Our Greatest Supporter's for June have all the answers to these questions AND more in this awesome Q&A video!

Hunter Jordan and Deziah Thompson attended a Hawke's Bay Magpies training session at Elwood Park, last week where they recorded a Q&A video with Magpies players, Tyrone Elkington and Mason Emerson, using questions they had thought up and written down themselves!

Along with the interviews, both Hunter and Deziah gave Tyrone and Mason a run for their money in some rugby ball handling skills, kicking practice and tackling.

Tyrone and Mason also tried their hand at performing push-ups while Hunter and Deziah sat cross-legged on their backs.

it was an afternoon of fun for everyone! Special thanks to our videographer, Kerin Greville and to the Hawke's Bay magpies players for being such great sports!

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