More Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers can warm up their Homes
Hawke’s Bay power consumer Colleen Kupa and her family have a warmer and healthier home, as a local owner of the Unison electricity network.
The Kupa's are the first of an additional 660 home owners or tenants expected to benefit from $400,200 in new funding through the Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust Insulation Programme.
Trust chairman John Newland said the advantage of the Trust’s involvement is that it enables other funding to be accessed from EECA, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, so the Trust’s money goes further.
“Warming up Hawke’s Bay homes is a key focus for us because energy efficiency helps save power costs and delivers long-term health and social benefits for local consumers.
Mrs Kupa said her family could feel the difference the insulation made to their home almost instantly. “We were impressed at how simply and quickly the job was done from the inspection and approval process to getting the insulation installed.
“Our house feels so much warmer and less draughty. I’m pleased to know people like us are able to receive funding support because we own our powerlines.”
Mr Newland is encouraging consumers to register their interest early because funding is limited.
The Trust’s programme is available to all consumers on the Unison Network in Hawke''''s Bay. The amount of subsidy available depends on family and health needs and whether the home is owned or rented.
- For Community Service Card holders with school-aged children, or someone aged over 65 years or with high health needs the insulation retro-fit will be FREE thanks to the Trust and the Government’s “Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes” programme.
- Non-Community Service Card holders within the Unison Network are eligible for a 40% subsidy towards the cost of retro-fitting their home with insulation.
The average three bedroom house costs about $3000 for underfloor and ceiling insulation.
Smart Energy Solutions is managing the project and is responsible for the application process, house inspections and insulating houses. The Napier Manager, Dan Hunter, said “We are proud to be part of a local initiative that will have such a large impact on local residents’ health and comfort.”
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For more information please contact:
John Newland
Trust Chairman
027 443 2439