Nominations close for Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust

Nominations closed at 5pm today for the Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust Election of Trustees. Elections are being held for five positions on the Trust on Wednesday 1 October 2014. Those nominated are: BUNTAIN, Arch COOPER, Karen FRANCE, Craig FRANCIS, Helen GEOGHEGAN, John GILLIGAN, Ken KIRTON, Diana MORONEY, Bruce NEWLAND, John ROSE, Kevin Five trustees are elected to the Trust every three years by consumers connected to Unison’s electricity network in the Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust district (generally the areas of Hastings District Council and Napier City Council). Voting documents will be delivered from Friday 12 September 2014 to just under 58,000 electors in the Trust district. Completed voting documents can be returned by post, online or hand delivered to the Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust Office (c/- Brown Webb Richardson Ltd, 111 Avenue Road East, Hastings) during normal business hours from Friday 12 September 2014. The electoral officer must receive all votes by 5pm Wednesday 1 October 2014. For more information please contact: The Returning Office, Hawke''s Bay Power Consumers'' Trust, telephone 0800 922 822.

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