Tampering with Work Site Safety Barriers Puts Public Safety at Risk

Unison Networks is highly concerned after discovering vandalism of work sites along Kennedy Road in Napier this morning.
Unison Group Chief Executive Officer, Ken Sutherland said vandals had put public safety at risk by pushing safety barriers into trenches along Kennedy Road in Napier, where the Company was currently working to underground electrical services.
“This morning our crews arrived to find that safety barriers and temporary traffic light equipment had been pushed into work site trenches, leaving both foot traffic and vehicles vulnerable to work site safety hazards.
“Public safety is paramount to Unison, and we take great care to ensure the appropriate traffic management and site safety plans have been implemented to protect the public from any potential hazards created by our network management projects.”
Mr Sutherland said the work sites were now safe, after Unison employees took immediate action to restore equipment to its proper location, but the Company would today be contacting residents in the vicinity to warn them of the vandalism risk, and provide important safety information.
“Our message to the public is that if you see anyone tampering with safety barriers or accessing a work site unauthorised, to call Unison and the Police immediately, and keep clear until Unison deems the area safe.
“We ask the public to please be vigilant for work site safety hazards and ensure children are aware of the safety risks of electricity, as well as playing around works sites.”
Further safety information can be found at www.unison.co.nz, or call 0800 2 UNISON to report any safety concerns.
For more information, contact:
Danny Gough
Unison Customer Care & Relationship Manager
021 739461