Unison and Graeme Dingle forge powerful partnership to help tamariki and rangatahi reach their potential
Kicking off the new school term, Unison Networks (Unison) has formed a powerful new partnership with the Graeme Dingle Foundation to support local youth in Rotorua and Hawke’s Bay.
Unison has committed its support to the Foundation to deliver its transformational and empowering programmes to 3,800 tamariki and rangatahi in 15 primary, intermediate and secondary schools across the two regions.
Unison staff will join other local volunteers to support students with goal setting, networking and confidence as Community Mentors featuring in a key part of the Graeme Dingle Foundation’s Career Navigator programme.
Volunteer Community Mentors in Rotorua and Hawke’s Bay will meet weekly with more than 50 secondary school students this term, with an aim to help them find a career pathway, provide a sounding board, share experiences, and use business and industry connections to help them set and achieve SMART goals.
Last term Unison crews also gave Hawke’s Bay secondary school students a taste of working in the electricity sector through the Graeme Dingle Foundation’s ‘Futureopoly’ careers expo, held at the Tomoana Showgrounds. More than 20 schools and around 500 students attended the popular day.
Established in 1995, the Graeme Dingle Foundation is a leader in positive child and youth development with a purpose to help tamariki and rangatahi realise their potential.
Unison Relationship Manager, Danny Gough said Unison is very proud to partner with the Graeme Dingle Foundation and looks forward to getting its people involved across two of its network regions.
“We’re excited to form this new partnership and kaupapa with the Graeme Dingle Foundation. This is another way for us to get behind the mahi of our tamariki and rangatahi involved in these fantastic programmes - our role is to be right there, cheering them on.
“This partnership will provide various opportunities for our people to learn new skills, develop and share their knowledge with the tamariki and rangatahi in our communities.
“As partners of our community, we’re extremely proud to support and showcase local initiatives that positively influence the prosperity and wellbeing of our communities and environment,” Mr Gough said.
Graeme Dingle Foundation Rotorua Regional Manager, Nicola Smallwood said they are excited to connect with Unison through their shared kaupapa.
“We’re very grateful for Unison jumping on board with us this year. Our programmes, run in local primary, intermediate and secondary schools, facilitate the development of life skills to equip tamariki and rangatahi to reach their potential. Our programmes are research based and continuously evaluated so we know that they work.
“Together, we share a kaupapa that all young people should be empowered to reach their potential and live their best lives. We’re stoked to have Unison’s support in achieving this,” Ms Smallwood said.
The Graeme Dingle Foundation’s programmes are proven to improve attitudes and behaviour, improve academic results, help young people set and achieve goals, boost self-confidence, and reduce truancy rates and at-risk behaviours. For every dollar invested in the Graeme Dingle Foundation's programmes results in an average $7.80 return to Aotearoa New Zealand's economy*.
The programmes run in Rotorua and Hawke’s Bay are Kiwi Can, Stars Teina and Career Navigator.
*A 2019 study by Infometrics.
Click here for more information about the Graeme Dingle Foundation.