Report an outage
Before contacting us, there are a few simple checks you can perform, to find out whether the problem is on our network, or in your home.
- Check the main switch is on at your switchboard
If a fuse is blown, the problem is likely in your home and you may require a call out from an electrician. - Check if your neighbours have power
If a number of houses in your area are without power or hot water, it is likely the outage is linked to a problem on our network. - Check our list of current outages
See if we have listed a scheduled or unscheduled outage in your area.
If your fibre telecommunications connection is currently down, please contact your Retail Service Provider.
They’ll check to find the cause, and work with us directly to quickly restore your service in the unlikely event it is a network outage.
If you wish to report an emergency fault, such as fallen live lines, a motor accident or have heard a large bang, please call us immediately on 0800 2 UNISON (0800 2 86476) and do not fill out this online form.
If you experience a problem with Unison’s service and we are unable to resolve your complaint, you can call the free independent dispute resolution service provided by Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 or visit